
Corporate Social Responsibility

Code of Conduct of Delta Electronics (Slovakia), s.r.o.

Valid for employees and other stakeholders of Delta Electronics (Slovakia), s.r.o..

Code of Conduct of Delta Electronics (Slovakia), s.r.o. (pdf document)

Keystones of Delta Electronics (Slovakia), s.r.o. Code of Conduct

Apart from striving for achievement in the business growth, Delta Electronics (Slovakia), s.r.o. (hereinafter referred to as the Delta or the Company) also values long term survival with sustainable growth as the company’s ultimate business goal. In order to attain such an objective, the company needs to perform its business with high ethics and integrity in order to gain trust and support from its stakeholders including customers, suppliers, employees, owners and society.

Our policies and practices require our employees to conduct business lawfully and ethically wherever Delta operates.

Delta demands the highest business and personal standards of ethics. Recognizing that Delta's reputation is priceless, we lack tolerance for any ethical compromise in our operations as well as in service to all involved stakeholders. We formalize our requirements in the Code of Conduct of Delta Electronics (Slovakia), s.r.o., a set of policies and practices that defines the standards for every Delta employee in his or her business practices.

Delta's leaders continuously communicate the roles and responsibilities of employees on the full scope of ethics-related issues, including compliance with laws, rules, regulations and accepted practices of each country in which we do business; handling of proprietary data and information; financial reporting; securities trading; and reporting of ethical violations.

Code of Conduct of Delta Electronics (Slovakia), s.r.o applies to all managers and full-time and part-time employees, as well as to all other persons acting in the name of the company. They are obliged to observe the code, act in compliance with its provisions, and support it.

Employees, including management, who engage in prohibited conduct, must be subject to appropriate disciplinary action, including discharge. Appropriate cases may also be called to the attention of governmental enforcement agencies.


Delta has a very strong interest to provide its employees the best possible working environment, therefore the general approach of the employer is to fully adhere and honour the constitution, government regulations and laws. Particularly all the company’s, management’s and employees’ activities are conducted in order to fully adhere to the following:

1) Freely chosen Employment
Delta or any other stakeholder will not use forced or involuntary labour of any type (e.g., forced, bonded, indentured or involuntary prison labour); employment is voluntary.
Delta will observe without any exceptions the right for freely chosen employment according to the Constitution of Slovak Republic and Labour Code.

2) Child labour avoidance
Delta will not use child labour. The term “child” refers to any person under the age of 15, or over the age of 15 if completing compulsory education. We support the use of legitimate workplace apprenticeship programs which comply with all laws and regulations applicable to such apprenticeship programs. However the employment of youth labour under the age of 18 can be done only in exceptional cases and has to be done in compliance with legislation of Slovak republic.

3) Working hours
Delta employees are not exceeding prevailing work hours determined by laws and agreed in labour contract and the company will appropriately compensate overtime, at least at the state required minimum level.
Delta will provide working breaks and continuous daily rest during the day, day offs per week and holiday leave fully according to legal regulations.

4) Wages and benefits
Delta will, at least as a minimum, comply with all the applicable wage and hour laws and regulations, including those related to minimum wages, overtime hours, piece rates and other elements of compensation, and provides legally mandated benefits.

5) Humane treatment
Delta, management and all employees will treat all employees with respect and dignity and will not use corporal punishment, threats of violence or any other forms of physical or psychological coercion or harassment.

6) Non discrimination
Delta will not directly or indirectly discriminate in hiring and employment practices on grounds of gender, marital or family status, race, colour of skin, language, age, state of health, belief or religion, political or other conviction, trade union activity, national or social origin, national or ethnic group affiliation, property, lineage or other status, with the exception of cases established by law, or in the case of real reason for the performance of the work consisting of preconditions or requirements due to the nature of the work which the employee is to perform.

7) Freedom of association
Delta will support with any applicable means open communication and direct engagement between workers and management as the most effective way to resolve workplace and compensation issues. Stakeholders are to respect the rights of workers to associate freely, join labour unions, seek representation and or join workers’ councils in accordance with the law. Employees are able to communicate openly with management regarding working conditions without fear of reprisal, intimidation or harassment.


To meet social responsibilities and to achieve success in the marketplace, all Deltas’ employees including the management are to uphold the highest standards of ethics and in general practice good conduct in all business areas. The management team as well as every employee shall conduct all activities to encourage community engagement to help foster social and economic development.

Especially all employees’ and stakeholders’ activities are conducted in order to fully adhere to the following:

1) Compliance with Laws and the Company’s Regulations
Employees and stakeholders must comply with all governing laws and regulations and perform their duties with the highest integrity.

2) Protection of Company’s Assets
Employees must use the company’s assets in an economical and efficient way and avoid any damage or loss. Misuse or illegal use of Delta assets is strictly prohibited.

3) Business Integrity
The highest standards of integrity are expected in all activities. Any and all forms of corruption, extortion and embezzlement are strictly prohibited.

4) No Improper Advantage
Bribes or other means of obtaining undue or improper advantage are not to be offered or accepted by any employee or member of management.
All employees must exercise care in providing or receiving gifts or entertainment from customers or suppliers and must be consistent with generally accepted ethical standards and business practise. Such behaviour can be disclosed without embarrassment or censure.
The management and all employees are forbidden to request any gift, payment, special treatment or entertainment from suppliers or customers.
In case of that any advantage has been offered or provided to any employee by any stakeholder, this advantage must either be declined or reported to their direct superior immediately. The superior will ensure further steps fully according to legislation, rules or usual practice of integrity.

5) Disclosure of Information
Information regarding business activities, structure, financial situation and performance is to be disclosed in accordance with applicable regulations and prevailing industry practices.
In relation to any party, employees and stakeholders must preserve strict confidentiality regarding information that is not generally known. This liability applies also to the time after the relation cessation. Financial results and business transaction information should not be released without prior authorization in order to protect the owners' interests.

6) Intellectual Property
Intellectual property rights are to be respected; transfer of technology and knowhow is to be done in a manner that protects intellectual property rights.
The employee and any other stakeholder is not permitted to hold or make for his private purposes any designs, drawings or records of any type whatsoever. Any basic materials and data relating to the work carried out is the property of Delta and without any obligation, these must be returned to the company after the end of employment or any other type of relation.

7) Fair Business, Advertising and Competition
Standards of fair business, advertising and competition are to be upheld. Delta must not engage in any form of unfair competition.
Treatment of competitors should be resolute and honest, in compliance with fair and open competition practices and in the interest of the good reputation of the entire company.
Delta must respect the property and the good reputation of competitors and treat the competitors as equal subjects. A company must not try to acquire information on competitors through dishonest and illegal methods (e.g. industrial espionage, bribery, demanding confidential information from customers, or any other unfair way). Employees are not to be taken advantage of inside information to profit third parties or to obtain personal benefits.

8) Protection of Identity
There shall be no retaliation or harassment of employees who report possible violations or other concerns.
Any employee who engages in such retaliation or harassment against the ones who report such violation will be subject to serious disciplinary action, including possible termination of employment.

9) No Collusion
To enter into a deceitful (secret) agreement, with the purpose to defraud and/or gain an unfair advantage over a third party, competitors, customers, job candidates or those with whom they are negotiating is considered as Collusion that is strictly forbidden and prohibited.
Prohibition of collusion also includes secret price or wage fixing, secret rebates, or pretending to be independent of each other when actually conspiring together for their joint ends.
Surveys and comparisons (benchmarking) of prices, salaries, services, processes, benefits, other business and technical information provided by subjects on the market is not considered as a breach against these rules, only if information used in benchmarking is gained from public-reachable sources or information is provided voluntarily by subjects on the market.

Violation of Code of Conduct

Any employee in violation of any part of this document is considered to have committed a severe breach of working discipline that might result in immediate termination of employment contract and legal actions.

Violation or breach of any part of this document is not acceptable for any stakeholder. Treatment of stakeholders in violation of this policy or other related regulations are agreed with stakeholders in related contracts or agreements, and it may directly result into legal actions.

Raising Concerns and Reporting Violations

If any involved party (employee or other stakeholder) knows of, or has good reason to suspect, an unlawful or unethical situation or believes that a person is a victim of prohibited workplace and business conduct, may immediately report this matter through any of Delta’s communication channels:

  • • Manager – to use “Open Door Policy” is usually the best place to start
  • • Questions & Answers - anonymous intranet application
  • • Human Resources department - for any kind of violation
  • • Internal Audit - for violations related to financial recording and reporting, business process violations and inappropriate use of assets
  • • Security service - for loss or theft of personal or Delta assets

The protection of the identity of a person who reports possible violations or other concerns, as well as the confidentiality of an “investigation” must be ensured according to this document.

Those who receive reports of violation against this document, have to decide together with Human Resources department or Managing Director how to proceed in current case.

Prepared: Peter Baca
Reviewed: Valer Chladny
Approved: Wilhelm Noebauer
Effective date: 19 March 2012
Revision: 01

Code of Conduct of Delta Electronics (Slovakia), s.r.o. (pdf document)

CSR Activities (ppt document)

